It includes the main ideas of what is to be communicated in a manner that is much shorter than the actual wordforword speech The keywords form the skeleton or outline of a speech, and serve to remind the speaker of the ideas in the correct order he or she wants to present them Keyword Outline Examples A keyword outline should contain the most important points from your500 art monk 3,600 $023 "art monk" related keywords Mondovo's Keyword Research Tool has been designed not only to let users find keywords but to deliver key insights for each keyword so that users, like you, will be able to make sense of what you get and get things done with themKEYWORDS Keywords need to be descriptive and capture the most important aspects of your paper They are used for indexing in databases and as search terms for readers Include three to five words, phrases, or acronyms as keywords Keywords Content Keywords address essential paper elements, such as the following • research topic Seo Key...